
Showing posts from May, 2020


Located at Group 10 and Period 7 is another transition metal . This is Darmstadtium. Darmstadtium was first produced by Peter Ambruster,Gottfired Munzenber and their team working at the Gesellschaft fur Scwerionenforschung in Darmstadt,Germany on November 9th 1994. They bombarded atom of lead with ions of nickel with device known as a linear accelerator. This produced one atom of darmstadtium -269 an isotopes with a half life of about 0.17 milisecond 90.00017 second), after at least a billion billion nickel ions were fired at the lead target over the course of a week Atomic Number: 110 Name: Darmstadtium Latin Name: Darmstadt Electron Per Shell:  2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 16, 2 Discoverer: first created in November 9 1994 by Peter Armbuster and Gottfried Munzenberg  Isolator:Peter Armbrsuter Element: Atomic Mass: 281u                 Density: 34.8g/cm3                 Type: Synthetic ch...